We’ll arm you with all the tools. You just need to execute.
The One Day Training is a one day immersive digital consulting session with Raincity Media’s top talent that includes a keynote from a top CEO, CMO or industry thought leader. Part master-class and part workshop, the training will take you under the hood of Raincity and give you access to the team and principles that make the Raincity engine run.
The Curriculum: Workshops will be tailored to the needs of individual groups and will have you leaving with all the practical marketing advice and tools to grow and scale your business. The day will be filled with speakers, industry news discussions, exercises, and conversations in all the areas in which we’re experts. Plus, you’ll get a behind the scenes introduction to Team Raincity to learn how a personal brand is built in a 2017 world. All in all, sessions include a collection of deep dives into Paid Media, Influencer Media, Digital Strategy, Content Production, Personal Branding among more that fit the group’s needs.
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